About me
Work experience
May - June 2018
Game testing for Die for Valhalla, programming in C# ( project to pass practice), recording of promotional materials and enemy design.
Luty 2020 - now
Unity VR Developer
I'm currently working on VR training applications/games with occupational health and safety gol. The aim of the courses is to teach proper habits in situations such as: a fire in a building or flats, helping a burnt person, teaching how to use an AED and how to jump into a rescue cushion. The main platforms for which I develop are Oculus Quest and Oculus Quest 2, all interactions in the game are made thanks to hand tracking technology. I work on projects mainly alone, during work I am responsible for:
- Visual: scene lighting, creating simple shaders, particle effects, selecting models from Unity Asset Stora, cooperation with a 3D/2D Artist
- Sound: selecting music, sound effects, cutting and modyfing them
- Level design (designing scenes and setting up object on it), designing mechanics between the player and the game world
- Programming game mechanic
- Application/game optimization
In Unity I use the animation engine DOTween for moving, rotating and various "animations" of objects and ObiRopa an engine based on a particle system used to simulate ropes), which is used to make hoses for fire hydrant or fire extinguisher. I also used it recently Wit.AI for voice interaction between the player an NPC or a walkie-talkie.
Personal projects
2D My first projects in Unity, created in a team of four people. The main artistic direction was The Murder Rabbit from Monty Python and the Holy Grail. The game is a mix of many game genres.
- unityc#
2D The project was created for 2D graphics classes, where the main theme was the Mexican celebration of Día de Muertos. There are two game modes in the game: History and Arena.
- unityc#pixel art
2D My minor project, where player play as bounty hunter, gameplay is "borrowed" from Hyper Light Drifter.
- unityc#pixel artlevel design
2D 3D Engineer's project created in a team of three people. The game is a coop twin-stick (up to two players) shooter in a cyberpunk environment.
- unityc#game designlevel design
3D A level prepared for Level Design classes, where our task was to create a location where we lead the player with Weenies.
- unityc#level design
3D The game is based on the Moonlighter game. Instead of a store, we run an Inn, where we collect information from customers and set off on an adventure.
- unityc#game designlevel design